
Posts Tagged ‘glass beads’

Growing up we always had a live Christmas tree with the solid colored lights and glass beads. I have a few of my mothers ornaments and beads, some worn, but close to my heart.

We get our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. Paul is from Hershey, Pa. and on the way home from spending Thanksgiving in Hershey, we would pass a family friend tree farm. So we’d get our tree and put it on the top of the car and head home. We spend our Thanksgiving in Halifax, Pa. now. But the tradition of getting the tree that weekend hasn’t changed. It just takes me a little longer to get it decorated these days. I didn’t get it done until last Thursday. Here are a few pictures of the tree and our home.

I didn’t get everything on the tree this year. It still looks beautiful, and the ones from my mother are there. Paul’s father gave us the tree topper, one of my FAVORITES!

I wasn’t going to show this next photo…see if you can guess why…Merry Christmas!!


Feathered Nest Fridays



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